YouTuber Makes Waterproof USB-C iPhone

Modder Gernot Jöbstl is the creator of the new USB-C iPhone in question. In case you’re wondering, Jöbstl has added the USB-C port to an iPhone X. One major difference between Ken Pillonel’s first USB-C iPhone and this one is the presence of waterproofing. Jöbstl claims that he has done changes to the charging port to make his iPhone X USB-C mod waterproof (read: water-resistant).
Gernot Jöbstl has shared a proof-of-concept video of the USB-C iPhone on YouTube. According to the video, he has relied on the files Ken Pillonel shared on his GitHub profile. Keeping these documents as a reference, he seems to have found an IPX8-certified water-resistant USB-C connector that fits in the iPhone.
After facing initial hurdles in sourcing the PD006 adapter, Jöbstl removed the mechanical support and replaced it with another component with 20% carbon fiber. The soldered USB-C port and other wires are held together with super glue. While it doesn’t look visually pleasing, it is functional.
In the video, Jöbstl highlights a water test to support his claims. And as you would expect, the device survived without water damage. In response to a YouTuber user’s query, Jöbstl says that his iPhone X can survive for 30 minutes in up to 0.5m depth, just like the original iPhone X. Jöbstl is planning to sell his waterproof USB-C iPhone via eBay. As per the video’s description, the auction will start on 19.1.2022 at 17:00 UTC (10:30 PM IST). He promises to add the direct link to the eBay listing to the video’s description box.
Going by the fact that the first USB-C iPhone sold for $86,001, we could expect this modded iPhone to cost somewhere around the same price range. That should give you bragging rights until Apple gives in to the regulatory pressure to make an iPhone with a USB-C port.
Featured Image Courtesy: Gernot Jöbstl / YouTube