The game comes from Indian publisher nCore games, as a response to Prime Minister Modi’s call for ‘AtmaNirbhar Apps’. More likely, however, is the simple truth that people like playing PUBG-like games, and FAU-G is trying to capitalise on PUBG’s forced leave of absence in the country.

Apparently, the game will also serve as something of an educational tool, teaching players about the sacrifices of the soldiers of the Indian defence services. Moreover, 20% of the revenue generated from the game will reportedly be donated to the Bharat Ke Veer trust. There’s not a lot known about the game to go on, as of now. All we have seen about the upcoming game is a poster, and that rather silly name “Fearless and United Guards”. Hopefully, we will get to know more about the game in the coming days. However, I must admit, whether or not the game will be able to get any traction in a market that’s currently dominated by Fortnite, and Call of Duty: Mobile, is difficult to judge. Hopefully, the developers over at nCore are coming up with something interesting enough to get a decent number of people to give this game a try. FAU-G has been in the works for a few months, according to Gondal, and will be releasing by October end. Moreover, Gondal said that the game’s first level will be based on Galwan Valley. For the unaware, Galwan Valley was the spot of deadly clashes between the Indian and Chinese forces, resulting in 20 Indian soldiers being martyred.