Durov, who created Telegram along with his brother Nikolai Durov back in 2013, has revealed that the app gained a whopping 25 million users in just three days, after WhatsApp started informing users about its privacy policy update. “25 million new users joined Telegram in the last 72 hours alone,” Durov proudly stated on his official Telegram channel. Now, if you are unaware, WhatsApp, which boasts over 2 billion active users, recently updated its privacy policy and started informing users about it via an in-app pop-up message. This policy states that the platform has the right to share users’ personal information with third-party apps and if they choose not to accept this policy by February 8, their WhatsApp accounts will be disabled. Following this update, WhatsApp even clarified some of the rumors that are spreading in the market. However, it seems like users are now migrating from the uber-popular app to other alternatives that focus on privacy rather than business from data. One of these alternatives is Telegram which offers similar features and does not share private information with third-party organizations and companies. So, on Tuesday, Durov said that Telegram has become the “last refuge” for users who want a secure messaging app on their device. This is because “people no longer want to exchange their privacy for free services,” as per Durov.