The developers took to Instagram to announce the restrictions for the KRJP build of PUBG Mobile. In the post, the company announced that players living in countries other than Japan and Korea will not be able to log in to their account on the KRJP version of the game starting from May 1.

Following the said date, global players will not only be able to settle their payments but might also face network issues when they login to their accounts on the KRJP build.

PUBG Mobile KR Unplayable in India from July 2021

For Indian PUBG Mobile players, however, the restrictions will come into effect starting from June 30. So, if you have been playing the Korean version of the game, then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to access it later in July. Now, the company did not provide any reason for these changes except stating that “these changes are for a better service” and are not “related to inequality or discrimination” in the community. The company also stated that PUBG Mobile players in countries outside Korea and Japan can access their regional versions to enjoy the title. However, as per speculations, it is likely that the Korean version of the game gained a huge Indian audience following the app ban. As a result, the Korean servers might have faced network or connectivity issues due to heavy traffic. So, the company now wants to de-clutter its KRJP servers to improve the game for players in Japan and Korea.