If you try to get a non-essential item from the e-commerce platform, the system will prevent you add the item to your cart. Instead, it will show a message stating that the “item cannot be shipped to your selected location.” “However, we have learnt from customers over the last one year that urgent needs vary across households and it is challenging to define a static essentials list. We request the Delhi Government to allow delivery and inter / intrastate movement of all products to enable people to maintain social distancing norms. E-commerce is the safest way to serve consumers’ needs while supporting livelihoods of lakhs of small and medium businesses including the local shops,” the person further added. Nonetheless, both the e-commerce giants will continue to deliver the essential goods to customers during the lockdown. Delivery executives have also received e-passes for free movement around the region.

Amazon  Flipkart Stop Non Essential Deliveries in Delhi - 40Amazon  Flipkart Stop Non Essential Deliveries in Delhi - 35